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What you'll get:

  • All 5 full interviews from the PAINDEMIC SUMMIT will be available indefinitely in your PAIN OUT LOUD Library.
  • Your Free PDF Download, "10 Things to Start Doing Now to Master Your Pain" in the first post.
  • Final Thoughts Video by Dr. Melissa Cady with Bonus Educational Resources PDF

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What People Are Saying:

...I have been working with a phenomenal pain care specialist who turned me onto the work of Dr. Hanscom and I'm active working through the 4 steps he lists in Back In Control. Very informative. Will be purchasing the subscription to the webinars and look forward to reviewing the material regularly.

Shaun R.

I've suffered for 20 years in chronic pain, chronic opioid user, have had 3 back surgeries, one of which is a 3 level fusion just last year. No one has offered such good information about mind/body relationship, stress, anxiety, exercise, nutrition, etc, etc which your lecturers have provided. I want to purchase more educational materials. The morning after the second day, I woke up without pain, and relief lasted most of the day before returning, so I have become much more aware that I might be able to be pain-less and possibly pain free. I am hopeful that armed with the right information, I can manage my pain.

Charles G.

Very excellent and informative presentation. Marvelous. 5 stars.

Mohd F.P.

Very timely topic, needed and valuable life changing material shared.

Bill C.

I feel the summit was more applicable to physicians rather than myself as a physical therapist who is already treating people with the non-surgical approaches to chronic pain. But some interesting perspective from the surgeons nevertheless, and I'm sure many of the NZ surgeons would benefit from watching the videos to challenge their own perspectives. I found Day 2 and Day 5 of the summit to be most interesting...

Miriam S.

I was not able to see all 5 of the discussions but the few that I did watch were most informative. To see others in the medical profession, especially physicians, discuss their own experiences and journeys both personally and professionally is refreshing/powerful. I too have a personal pain journey and also work in healthcare with patients experiencing persistent pain; so I was able to appreciate where the presenters were coming from. I thoroughly enjoyed the PAINDEMIC (Summit) and look forward to future content from Pain Out Loud.

Eric G.